Star Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ | 4/5

Spice Rating: 🌶🌶🌶 | 3/5

Subgenre & Type: Dark Romance | MF

Tropes & Microtropes: Enemies to Lovers, Psychopath x Good Girl, Hates Everyone but Her, Boy Obsessed, Secret Society, Primal Play

Series Details: Book 4 of 6 | Can be read as a Standalone | Incomplete Series | Legacy of Gods

Format Details: Kindle Unlimited | Physical Print | Audible | Published by Blackthorn Books | 430 Pages

We were wondering how Kent was going to redeem the narcissistic psychopath that is Landon King, but she somehow managed to make us fall in love with him despite his flaws. Kent dropped some hints alluding to Landon and Mia’s relationship in the previous books of this series, piquing our curiosity. Mia has been non-verbal by choice ever since her life was disrupted as a child and her peace was brutally stolen from her. Landon’s infatuation with Mia as his artistic muse was alarming at first, but as with most of her books, Mia’s darkness matched Landon’s in every way. Despite Landon’s lack of empathy, he transforms, striving to become a better man for his muse. His devotion knows no bounds, and he is willing to make sacrifices to ensure her happiness. And sacrifice he does, but we can’t get into that without admitting spoilers 😉. We didn’t expect to like this book as much as we did, but it ended up lingering, with Landon emerging as a truly captivating MMC. This story even inspired us to read Mia’s parents' story in the Lies & Truths duet. 

Content Warnings: Somnophilia, primal play, morally black MMC, mentions of childhood trauma.


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