Star Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ | 4/5

Spice Rating: 🚪 | 0/5

Subgenre & Type: Romantasy | MF

Tropes & Microtropes: Love Triangle, Forced Proximity

Series Details: Book 1 of 6 | Ends in a Cliffhanger | Complete Series | Shatter Me

Format Details: Kindle Unlimited | Physical Print | Audible | Published by HarperCollins | 339 Pages

Juliette possesses a deadly touch that has landed her in an asylum for accidentally killing a child. The narrative, marked by intentional strikethroughs and erratic writing, reflects the chaos in Juliette's mind. When she gains a cellmate, Adam, their initially distant relationship gradually deepens as they bond over their shared experiences in the asylum. However, their world is disrupted when the Reestablishment, a powerful government entity, seeks to exploit Juliette's lethal ability for their own gain. Offered a chance at freedom in exchange for serving as a weapon for the Reestablishment, Juliette refuses to harm anyone, including Warner, the son of the Supreme Commander. As her captivity unfolds, Juliette develops a romantic connection with Adam, who reveals that he can touch her without harm. Caught in a love triangle, Juliette must navigate her feelings while also coming to terms with her strength and potential as a weapon. Despite starting as a victim, Juliette evolves into a formidable FMC, sought after by both sides for her abilities and resilience. With a unique writing style and compelling dystopian setting, the series grasped us. Birthing one of BookTok's most notable book boyfriends, despite the lack of explicit spice this book proved to be an addicting read.


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