The Right Move, by Liz Tomforde

Star Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️.5 | 4.5/5

Spice Rating: 🌶🌶.5 | 2.5/5

Subgenre & Type: Sports Romance, Basketball | MF

Tropes & Microtropes: Fake Dating, Sports Romance, Best Friend’s Brother, Roommates to Lovers, Forced Proximity

Series Details: Book 2 | Can be read as a Standalone | Incomplete Series | Windy City Series

Format Details: Kindle Unlimited | Physical Print | Audible | Published by Golden Boy Publishing LLC | 428 Pages

Ryan Shay emerges as the epitome of the ideal book boyfriend in this fake dating sports romance. As the esteemed captain of Chicago's NBA team, Ryan faces scrutiny from the team's general manager over his alleged lack of work-life balance. Enter Indy, Ryan's sister's best friend, fresh out of a long-term relationship and in need of a place to stay. Reluctantly, Ryan agrees to let Indy move in with him, setting the stage for a series of unexpected events. When Ryan inadvertently reveals to his GM that Indy is his girlfriend, a fake dating scenario unfolds. As they navigate the complexities of their newfound relationship, lines blur and feelings deepen. Despite Ryan's reservations about being taken advantage of, he surprises himself by stepping up as an exceptionally devoted partner. His commitment shines through in poignant gestures, such as learning sign language to communicate with Indy's father. This swoon-inducing romance will leave a lasting impression while raising the bar for life partners and book boyfriends alike.


Line of Scrimmage, by Erin Mackenzie


Kill Switch, by Penelope Douglas