Star Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ | 5/5

Spice Rating: 🌶🌶🌶 | 3/5

Subgenre & Type: Dark Romance | MM

Tropes & Microtropes: Forbidden Love, Unrequited Love, Enemies to Lovers, Gay Awakening, Unhinged MC, Secret Society, Mafia

Series Details: Book 5 of 6 | Can be read as a Standalone | Incomplete Series | Legacy of Gods

Format Details: Kindle Unlimited | Physical Print | Audible | Published by Blackthorn Books | 524 Pages

God of Fury may be Rina Kent's debut into the MM genre, but she delivers a well developed and unforgettable experience. The hints throughout the Legacy series had us on the edge of our seat to witness Bran and Niko's simmering tension finally reach the peak. Niko's intense fixation on Bran borders on obsession, while Bran grapples with his inner turmoil as the identical twin brother of the seemingly flawless Landon King, all while navigating his journey of self-discovery regarding his sexuality. As Niko pushes Bran to explore his desires, Bran's fears hold him back, only allowing their attraction to manifest in secrecy. Niko lays it all out there, baring his soul to Bran, and can only wait for him to allow himself to recognize he feels the same. The narrative takes readers on a rollercoaster ride through Bran's mental health struggles, culminating in a heart-wrenching climax. Rest assured, there's a HEA, but be sure to heed the content warnings before embarking on this emotionally charged journey.

Content Warnings: Depression, self-harm, borderline personality disorder, violence, thoughts of suicide, suicide attempt, sexual assault of a minor.


Kiss and Don’t Tell, by Meghan Quinn


Red Thorns, by Rina Kent