Star Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️ .5| 3.5/5

Spice Rating: 🌶🌶🌶🌶 | 4/5

Subgenre & Type: Sports Romance, Football; Dark Romance | MF

Tropes & Microtropes: Forbidden Romance, Primal Play, Mafia

Series Details: Book 1 of 2 | Ends on a Cliffhanger| Complete Series | Thorns Duet

Format Details: Kindle Unlimited | Physical Print | Audible | Published by Blackthorn Books | 304 Pages

One of our favorite queens of Dark Romance, Rina Kent delivers in this dark and twisty story of Naomi and Sebastian.  Through dual perspectives you come to know and love Naomi, with her sassy and sarcastic inner dialogue. On the other hand, Sebastian exudes narcissism and entitlement. Sebastian initially stakes a claim on Naomi as part of a bet, but as they spend more time together, they discover they share similar erotic desires. Their chemistry is wild — initially intriguing, then confusing and uncomfortable, before becoming all-consuming. Their romance is tumultuous, taking time to find stability due to the intricacies of their personalities. Their erotic needs serve as a gateway to a deeper psychological and emotional connection. As they explore their desires, they also confront repressed aspects of themselves, finding empowerment in unconventional ways. While their journey begins with physical attraction, it evolves into a profound emotional bond. However, their love story is tarnished with obstacles, notably Naomi's ties to the Japanese mafia, the Yakuza, which ultimately tear them apart as she makes a self-sacrificial decision. You’ll definitely want to keep reading after the cliffhanger, as the final book occurs years later, you can only imagine was transpired during that time. 

Content Warnings: Consensual non-consent, child abuse.


God of Fury, by Rina Kent


Catch Me, by E.M. Moore